Mystic Messenger: Ray route first impressions Saeran Choi's route is now available after Another Story's day 4. Time to get to know better our favourite Mint Eye believer, Ray.

Mystic Messenger: Ray route first impressions

[Warning: spoilers on the entire saga ahead]

Saeran Choi (aka Ray, aka Unknown) is by far the most wanted and awaited character in Mystic Messenger‘s universe. And now that Ray has his own route in the game, there’s a chance that he will become the most favourite playable character of all (overcoming even his twin brother Saeyoung / 707‘s popularity).

Mystic Messenger: Ray route first impressions

Personally I have always thought Saeran is the most interesting character in Mystic Messenger: he is so complex, fragile and in need of love yet he is scary and dangerous. There’s a lot of work to do as a MC and winning Ray‘s heart will be a hard, delightful challenge.

While I’m still playing his route (it has been released just on January 31!) I wish to share my very first impressions on this long awaited new story.

First of all: Ray’s route costs hourglasses. Even if you had previously unlocked V’s Another Story by paying 300 hourglasses, whether you want to purchase Ray’s route you have to pay 250 more. And if you hadn’t purchased V’s story and wish to read only Ray’s, there’s the entire cost to pay (i.e: 550 hourglasses) and you will get both of them anyway.

After the purchase of Ray’s Another Story, you will have to start with the prologue and the first 4 days of common Another Story (same common route we have learnt to know by reading V’s route) in order to try to get enough magenta hearts (= Ray’s hearts) and find yourself on Ray’s route starting on Day 5.

How is Ray route? Is it any good? Is it heartbreaking? Is it as angsty as V‘s? Will it have a true happy ending?

Well… speaking about the angst, let me show you the disclaimer that appears when you are about to pay 250 hourglasses for Saeran/Ray story:

Mystic Messenger: Ray route first impressions

Cheritz warns us : “To enhance the actuality of specific characters, some context may make you unconfortable (this game is for ages 15 and older.)”

Wait… what? Are they telling us we are about to face an even more angsty story? Wasn’t V’s story tearful enough ? Oh my! I don’t want to cry over Saeran (again). I desperately need a happy ending and tons of love and rescue for him.

Anyway, MC ends her Another Story common route being captive of Ray and Rika. At day 4, she is asked to drink the special drug reserved for Mint Eye belivers. Ray is already infatuated with MC while V is coming to set her free. From here on, how will you (MC) manage to win over Saeran‘s heart and convince him to leave Rika and the toxic environment that is Mint Eye?

After starting Ray route, one can notice some restyling has been done on Saeran‘s CG. Just like it happend for V, Saeran‘s images are much more accurate now. For example, he had his “neutral expression” slightly changed and I can say it’s way more pleasent now:

Mystic Messenger: Ray route first impressions
After day 4, we won’t see anymore Saeran’s disturbing expression (on the left). His neutral/normal expression is way cuter (on the right)


Furthermore, new facial expressions have been added:

A new saddened expression:

Mystic Messenger: Ray route first impressions

And an adorable blushing sweet face

Mystic Messenger: Ray route first impressions

The very first CG you get in Ray’s route is about a dramatic V/Ray encounter in Mint Eye mansion’s garden.

Mystic Messenger: Ray route first impressions

And we get also some fanservice with a K Drama Shower Scene picture 🙂

Mystic Messenger: Ray route first impressions


Just joking. Actually Ray route is heavily dramatic as expected.  Saeran reveals all his frailty and gives the audience more details about his heartbreaking story. Among all the others, Saeran is by far the most emotionally engaging character in Mystic Messenger. While reading, you feel the urge to “do something” for him, to hold him in your arms and comfort him more and more until he just admit with a smile that he is a wonderful person who deserves all the love in the world.

As for Rika, she is snake, more and more. Cruelest bitch in Otome’s world.

Mystic Messenger: Ray route first impressions

I pray that Cheritz would let us punch her in the face sooner or later. it would be so… cleansing, wouldn’t it?

However, if you act like a good MC, after the game branches fort the first time (at the end of day 6) you might get a pretty nice and romantic kiss from your troubled  prince Saeran. Please notice this is the first time ever MC kisses someone of her own initiative in the whole Mystic Messenger history. Way to go, girl! 🙂

Mystic Messenger: Ray route first impressions

Please consider you might like to read also our final Ray / Saeran route review.

Mystic Messenger: Ray route first impressions

About Bishamon

Basically, a crazy chick

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8 Comments on “Mystic Messenger: Ray route first impressions Saeran Choi's route is now available after Another Story's day 4. Time to get to know better our favourite Mint Eye believer, Ray.

  1. I need help, I really wanted Ray’s ending but on day 5, V’s fave face popped up on the screen, is this normal in getting Ray’s ending or am I going to be stuck with V’s again. I bought both of their ends btw. I’m actually going to cry, I don’t want to leave Ray I love him. T-T

    1. Dear Alex, I’m not sure why you ended up on V’s route while trying to get Ray’s but I’m pretty sure you’ll be able to get him next time you start “Another story”. Just answer like you want to please Ray in the first 4 days (even if he tries badmouth RFA).
      The very first time I played Another Story I actually achieved a bad ending at the end of day 4, because I couldn’t help collecting Ray’s hearts instead of V’s!! (at the time Ray’s route wasn’t out yet so, collecting Ray’s hearts meant -> bad ending. Now it’s different, of course, and, if you can collect enough “magenta” hearts, you’ll find yourself on Saeran’s route).
      Enjoy yourself! :-*

  2. Hai , may I ask something ? I already purchased Ray route but when I go to Another Story , only have V route . What should I do ? ? Really want Ray route . Oh , by the way , I already play V route ?


    1. Hi Gima! I don’t think there is necessarily a “right” answer to your question.
      V’s route and Ray’s route are two possible scenarios that take place at the same moment in the same world. They are two different “what if…”
      Basically, when you get to day 4th of “Another Story”, you’ve got to chose which one of the two characters you want to save from despair.
      “Another story” is different from “Common route” and “Deep route”. There’s not a suggested order to follow. No possible spoiler if you chose one or the other route.

      In addition you may want to consider this: V’s route was the first one to be published, that’s why most of MM’s fans started with him.
      On the other hand, I enjoyed more Ray’s route (which I consider the best route ever in this game).
      In the end I would recommend you to chose the character you find more interesting according with your personal preferences. As each story costs so many hourglasses, you’ better go straight to the character you love the most.
      Hope this can be of help, somehow.
      Enjoy the game!

      1. Help me ? I already purchased for Ray route but when I enter Another Story , only V route have . By the way , I already play for V route .

        1. So weird!
          Did you check for possible updates? Go to Play Store/Apple Store and search MM. Then see if you are asked to download any update.
          Then check again on the app:
          -Original Story -> Another Story (you should see the eyes of both V and Ray) then, you should be able either to go for Common Route (Free) or for Ray Route (from day 5, 100 hourglasses).
          Let me know if you were able to unlock his route after this.

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