Hanacure: an honest review about the “miraculous” facial mask from South Korea Hanacure is the most talked about beauty treatment of the year: actresses and models love it. One single application should grant you a flawless skin. Is it really so?

Hanacure: an honest review about the "miraculous" facial mask from South Korea

Hanacure: how does the facial mask works?

One of the reasons why Hanacure became so popular on the internet is the weird effect it makes on your face while wearing it for the 30 prescribed minutes. After mixing the lifting serum to the gelling solution, once applied the mask all over your face, you will experience the sensation of your visage to harden so much you won’t be able to move your lips to talk or drink or chew or smoke. At the end of the 30 minutes of application you will see your facial features radically transformed, just like after a bad surgery lifting! Drew Barrymore‘s selfie catches that precise moment when your eyes and your lips are stretched by the mask.

One of Hanacure‘s slogans sounds in fact like: “the beauty mask which gives you 10 years more (during the 30 minutes of application and pose) and then throws away 20 years after removal”. So do not worry about being ugly during the treatment because it’s absolutely normal. The benefits will come straight afterwards.

Follow me step by step:


Hanacure makes your skin glow but it is not a purifying mask. So I strongly suggest to cleance your face before starting Hanacure treatment. Cleansing milk is good. Deep cleansing foam is better.


Here it is the tiny and “miraculous” lifting serum from Hanacure:

Hanacure honest review

First you open a small corner of the gelling solution box, then you pour the lifting serum inside. Re-close it and shake it for about 20 seconds. What you get is the final mask: a golden gel ready to be applyied with the help of Hanacure brush all over your face skin.

Hanacure honest review

Hanacure honest review


Set the timer for 30 minutes: that’s the time necessary for Hanacure to work properly. After a couple of minutes you’ll feel the mask start to stiffen. Moving your mouth might become difficoult. You’d better switch off your phone because it won’t be comfortable to even speak during this time.

After 15 minutes you’ll feel your face pulled and stretched by the facial mask. The sensation will be pretty similar to the after effect of a day under the sun: your skin will burn a little.

After 30 minutes you will look at yourself in the mirror and… OMG! your facial features will appear transformed! Eyes and lips will be outstretched and you’ll hesitate recognize yourself.

No panic! It’s all normal and it’s all part of the treatment. Hanacure is easy to remove with the help of some lukewarm water.


What happens after 30 minutes of Hanacure treatment? Your facial features will return absolutely normal. Your skin might appear a little reddened. Wait patiently for about half an hour and your skin colour will be back to normal.

Personally I felt the urge to moisturize my face, after removing Hanacure. It is not a hydrating mask, in fact. On the contrary, Hanacure has a strong esfoliating power and effectively removes the superficial layers of your skin (the old and dirty ones). So I recommend applying your favourite moisturizers after removing the facial.

And now it’s time for Mairu’s honest opinion: What is the real Hanacure effect? Is it worth it? Is it truly miraculous?

Hanacure: an honest review about the "miraculous" facial mask from South Korea

About Orihara Mairu

I love unboxing and reviewing pretty things: toys, kawaii stuff and skincare products. I have a cutter and I'm not afraid to use it :)

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3 Comments on “Hanacure: an honest review about the “miraculous” facial mask from South Korea Hanacure is the most talked about beauty treatment of the year: actresses and models love it. One single application should grant you a flawless skin. Is it really so?

  1. I just did my first application and was really not expecting much due to having tried many things and non ever did what they claim. But I was so impressed I can’t even believe how amazing this worked after just the first one not only are my forehead and eye lines diminished but my neck and back of my hands look great. This is a definite re order !

  2. Someone tell me: if you are supposed to use this mask let’s say – once a week, what do you do with all the BRUSHES you collect?

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