Hottest Midnight Cinderella event and premium stories (worth buying with coins)

Hottest Midnight Cinderella event and premium stories (worth buying with coins)

#7 Leo's Lying Lips - Main route bonus premium story

Leo Crawford is a playboy and one of the boldest charmer in Wysteria. Despite his flirty behaviour, he is very serious and respectful towards MC. In the 3rd premium story of his main route, Leo and MC share for the first time some long awaited cuddles.


During a trip faraway from the castle, Leo and MC find themselves in the middle of a storm, their clothes soaking wet. They take shelter in a vacant house where they are forced to take their clothes off and wrap in the same blanket found in the room. After warming up embraced in front of the fire, The two of them share their very first passionate kiss.

Hottest Midnight Cinderella event and premium stories (worth buying with coins)

Hottest Midnight Cinderella event and premium stories (worth buying with coins)

About Bishamon

Basically, a crazy chick

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